Great American Hunt Knowledgebase > Frequently Asked Questions > DayZ BattlEye Kicks/Crashing when connecting

DayZ BattlEye Kicks/Crashing when connecting

Start DayZ Launcher

Join Server from Launcher

Game will disconnect/crash

In DayZ Launcher go to Mods Tab

Make sure the mods are loaded for our server

Top Right of Mods Tab is Presets

Save As (Great American Hunt) or whatever you want that designates the preset as our server

Bottom Left of DayZ Launcher is the big PLAY button, click Arrow and select the Great American Hunt preset.

Game will Launch

Search for The server in the in-game browser

Should now never have any issues with BattlEye kicking.

Note: If this was unhelpful please look into our "in-depth" version here.

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